ACRL Calendar of Events

Also from the ACRL Insider blog:


March 17: ALA/ACRL Elections Open
March 20: Leading Change (Webcast)
March 26–29: ACRL/Harvard Advanced Leadership Institute for Senior Academic Librarians (Cambridge, MA)
March 27: ACRL OnPoint – NIH Public Access Policy (Online Chat – Free!)
April 2: ACRL Springboard Event (Webcast – Free for ACRL Members!)
April 7: Proposals for 2009 ACRL Midwinter workshops and Annual preconferences due
April 7-28: Creating a Comprehensive Plan for Information Literacy (Online Seminar)
April 10: Being and Finding a Mentor (Webcast)
April 11: Deadline for ACRL Documents for ACRL Spring Executive Committee meeting
April 21 – May 9: Designing Web Sites for Academic Libraries, Part 1 (Online Seminar)
April 24: ALA/ACRL Elections Close
April 29-30: ACRL/LAMA Joint Spring Virtual Institute, “Leading from the Middle: Managing in All Directions”
May 1: ALA/ACRL Election Results Announced
May 8: Keys to Innovation (Webcast)
May 12: Proposals for 2009 ACRL National Conference contributed papers, panel sessions, preconferences, and workshops due
May 13-14: National Library Legislative Day (Washington, DC)
May 15: ACRL Spring Executive Committee meeting
May 26: ALA/ACRL Offices Closed
June 2-21: All Users Are Local: Bringing the Library Next Door to the Campus Worldwide (Online Seminar)
June 24 – 27: 49th Annual RBMS Preconference, “Rare and Special Bytes: Special Collections in the Digital Age” (Los Angeles, CA)
June 26 – July 2: 2008 ALA Annual Conference (Anaheim, CA)
June 27: ACRL Preconference – Assessment of Academic Library Effectiveness: Using ACRL Standards for Continuous Evaluation
June 27: ACRL Preconference – Library Instruction 2.0: Building Your Online Instruction Toolkit
June 27: ACRL Preconference – Mindfully Resolving Conflicts: Facilitation for Diversity Issues
July 4: ALA/ACRL Offices Closed
July 7-28: Creating a Comprehensive Plan for Information Literacy (Online Seminar)
July 27-August 1: Institute for Information Literacy Immersion ‘08 Program (University of California, San Diego)
August 3-8: ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians, (Cambridge, MA)
August 31: ACRL 2007-08 Fiscal Year Ends
September 1: ACRL 2008-09 Fiscal Year Begins
September 24-27: ACRL Board Strategic Planning and Orientation Session
October 20: Proposals for 2009 ACRL National Conference poster sessions due
October 24-25: ACRL Fall Executive Committee meeting
November 23: Proposals for 2009 ACRL National Conference roundtable discussions due


Jan 23–28: 2009 ALA Midwinter Meeting (Denver, CO)
March 12-15: ACRL 14th National Conference (Seattle, WA)
July 9–15: 2009 ALA Annual Conference (Chicago, IL)