Poster Sessions at the Fall Conference

COIL posterThe Results are In! : COIL Reports on the State of Info-Lit Instruction in Oklahoma

In February 2008, the COIL group conducted a survey of college and university instruction librarians and library instruction programs throughout the state. This session will highlight the results gleaned from the 74 librarian respondents and 37 institutions that
provided program input.

Community of Oklahoma Instruction Librarians, various members

What Will Your Library do When Disaster Strikes? Tulsa Community College Learning Resource Center’s Odyssey Through Disaster PlanningMiriam Kahn checks out a poster

Armed with a disaster planning book and a committee, the Metro Campus Learning Resources Center at Tulsa Community College embarked on the development of a comprehensive plan in case of disaster.  This poster session seeks to inform other libraries of the process that the committee experienced and the lessons learned. The session focuses on the reality of planning, the kinds of questions/challenges that arise while planning, and the interaction between the LRC and other departments in the college.

Adam Brennan, LRC Assistant II, Tulsa Community College
Casey Ashe, LRC Supervisor Metro Campus, Tulsa Community College
Jan Riggs, LRC Assistant Supervisor and Reference Librarian, Tulsa Community College

Resource sharing posterTwo Libraries, University and Public, Better Serving the Communities of Claremore and Rogers County.

A unique resource sharing service that began in January 2007 between Rogers State University Stratton Taylor Library and Will Rogers Library in Claremore provides patrons timely access to the resources of both libraries.

The service allows patrons to submit Interlibrary Loan requests at their primary library and pick up the material at the partner library. 

The program makes resource sharing between the libraries simple, seamless and pleasant.   When users pick up their ILL requests, they are encouraged to enjoy the surroundings of their partner library, browse the collection, and meet the staff.

The resource sharing agreement also benefits collection development by allowing the libraries to donate materials more suitable to their partner library.

Janice Ferris, Public Services Librarian, Stratton Taylor Library, Rogers State University
Charles Chessher, Library Assistant, Stratton Taylor Library, Rogers State University