OK-ACRL 2015: Call for Proposals, Re-Imagining the Library

Consider submitting a proposal to present at this year’s annual OK-ACRL conference.  We would love to hear your ideas!

When and where is the conference?

November 6, 2015, at Oklahoma State University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Learn more about the conference at https://www.okacrl.org/conference/.

What is the topic for the conference?

Have you begun an innovative program, new outreach service or digital project? Are you experimenting with new technologies or library spaces?  Share with us your ideas about Re-Imagining the Library spaces, services, and technologies.  Brainstorm and submit a proposal to present at the 2015 OK-ACRL Conference.

When are proposals due?

October 9th

How do I submit a proposal?

Tell us in 300 words or less about your presentation topic and how it will help others Re-Imagine the Library.

Proposal Form: http://goo.gl/forms/dJmtQt0Edx

When will I have an answer?

October 16th

Do I have to be a member?

No, anyone can submit a proposal and attend the conference. Membership in OKACRL is free, so please join.

Membership Form: https://www.okacrl.org/become-involved/